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  • Band:
  • Autor/Zeichner: Mark Martinez, Matt Frank, Nola Pfau / Megan Huang, Winston Chan
  • Hersteller-Artikel-Nr.: 190544
  • Verlag: IDW Publishing
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Verfügbarkeit:
€ 23,99 inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten


Ausstattung: Softcover
Sprache: Englisch
Typ: Einzelband
Inhalt: The world is pretty big. You'd think there'd be enough room for all the kaiju to claim their stomping grounds, but even giant monsters aren't above needing to protect their territory. Godzilla has friends and foes, and in turn, they vie against one another for dominance. In this quartet of standalone stories, different denizens of Monster Island go claw-to-claw for exciting, earth-shaking matchups. Marvel as the King of the Monsters throws down with Mechagodzilla! Cheer on Jet Jaguar tussling with Megalon! Godzilla battling SpaceGodzilla! And, flight meets might as Mothra clashes with M.O.G.U.E.R.A!
Farbe: farbig
Im Shop seit: August 2024

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