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  • Band:
  • Autor/Zeichner: Alejandro Jodorowsky / Zoran Janjetov, Fred Beltran
  • Hersteller-Artikel-Nr.: 189871
  • Verlag: Humanoids Publishing
  • Genre: Science-Fiction
  • Verfügbarkeit:
€ 65,99 inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten


Ausstattung: Hardcover
Sprache: Englisch
Typ: Einzelband
Inhalt: The cosmic adventures of a young boy on his path to ridding the galaxy of an insidious technological plague.After the Greek tragedy of The Metabarons, Alejandro Jodorowsky comes back to his biblical roots with this quest reminiscent of Moses and set on a galactic scale. To top it off, the characters and the theme of virtual reality are tailor-made for artist Zoran Janjetov (Before The Incal), who finds in Jodorowsky his perfect match. Albino, hero of this space odyssey, remembers his childhood, his apprenticeship, and the big and small battles he had to fight to fulfill his ambitions in a universe where technological advances are paradoxically matched only by the cruelty and the barbarism of the forces controlling it
Seitenzahl: 408
Farbe: farbig
Im Shop seit: November 2022

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