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- Band:
- Autor/Zeichner: Art Spiegelman / Art Spiegelman
- Hersteller-Artikel-Nr.: 9780141014081
- Verlag: Penguin Books
- Genre: Graphic Novel
- Verfügbarkeit:
€ 23,90 inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten
Ausstattung: | Paperback |
Sprache: | englisch |
Typ: | Einzelband |
Inhalt: | Combined for the first time here are Maus I: A Survivor's Tale and Maus II - the complete story of Vladek Spiegelman and his wife, living and surviving in Hitler's Europe. By addressing the horror of the Holocaust through cartoons, the author captures the everyday reality of fear and is able to explore the guilt, relief and extraordinary sensation of survival - and how the children of survivors are in their own way affected by the trials of their parents. A contemporary classic of immeasurable significance.'Spiegelman has turned the exuberant fantasy of comics inside out by giving us the most incredible fantasy in comics' history: something that actually occurred. Maus is terrifying not for its brutality, but for its tenderness and guilt.'New Yorker |
Seitenzahl: | 296 |
Farbe: | farbig |
Im Shop seit: | Oktober 2010 |
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